Sunday 19 October 2014

Review: Milky Foot

Hey everyone and welcome back!

One night last fortnight I was scrolling through instagram and I saw a post from a friend of mine. She was trying out a product called Milky Foot. I was intrigued and naturally went to the hashtag. Let me tell you - wow it was gross! But I thought I may as well give it a go! As someone who wears heels 90% of the time, I was in desperate need of something to revitalise my feet - so I gave it a shot. No harm in trying!

There will be no pictures from me about this, because feet are pretty gross. Especially while using this product. If you want to see anything, you can of course Google some progress shots!

For those of you who do not know - Milky Foot is an exfoliation cream that comes in little booties that you put on your feet for 45-60 minutes and rinse off. After application, you wait. Within 7 days you should have milky soft feet.

I purchased Milky Foot from my local discount pharmacy ($25AU). Later that night during my feet up and relax period before bed, I put on the little booties and watched the TV.

My first initial thought was that the product smelled horrid - and believe me, it does - however in saying that, feet are pretty gross anyway! So I continued to put the booties on. When my feet were in the booties, they were cooled. The cream gives a nice cooling sensation for your feet - perfect for tired feet!

After waiting 60 minutes (I figured I would go the full time for best results) I went to the bathroom and rinses the gel off my feet. So far, my feet only felt relaxed.

Day 1: The next day, I went for lunch with a friend. While walking around town I noticed that my feet were sensitive. I could feel every stone under my foot and my feet were tingly while standing still. After getting home, I noticed my first "blister" forming. This is a much faster result than the package stated!

Day 2: In the morning, the blisters were still just forming. On my right foot was the starting off 11 blisters and only 5 on my left. They're not uncomfortable for blisters, they just look a little funky. On this day, my feet were extremely dry. It felt as if my feet have become drought affected. They were dry, rough and felt scratchy on every surface.

In the evening, I noticed that I was peeling on the tops of my feet. The skin that was coming off was scaly and dry and the skin underneath was perfectly smooth and soft. If you are one of those people that enjoy peeling sunburn, you're going to enjoy when this starts!

The appearance was dry and scaly. Nothing too exotic. My left foot though, having has mosquito bites on them (two! the gross little things!) had a small red patch around it. My other foot also had a red patch where it was peeling over my tattoo. The patches are similar to those you get from waxing.

Day 3: I was walking around in the city doing meetings and a little bit of shopping (of course!) When I arrived home and took my shoes off I noticed I had shed a lot of skin. And I mean A LOT. The heel was bald on the bottom and starting up the sides, the toes were peeling and the balls of my feet were peeling.

I spent the next few hours walking around the house, cleaning and doing laundry. Just as I was about to leave and head back down to my family, I noticed more peeling. It was peeling right across the bottom of my feet and they felt so soft and looked amazing!

There is still a lot of peeling which is needed, but it did come a long way on this day!

Day 4: This day was much the same as the previous days. Still a lot of shedding and a lot of patches. It almost looked as though the really rough parts (heels from wearing high heels) are not going to shift and that something like a ped egg would need to be used to finalise the process.

The red patches that had come up on the tops of my feet on day two were coming and going on this day. I'm not sure what caused this reaction, but I think it may have just been from thin skin. I get these patches on the inside of my arms when I wax them, but not on the top. So I believe it was just the type of skin. It's a relief to know it has gone though within two days!

Day 5: I spent a few hours walking around the city again on this day. The shedding had slowed a lot but still wasn't budging on the particularly problematic areas of my feet. I noticed on this day too that my feet smelled terrible. I wasn't sure if it was from the shedding skin or if it was from wearing flats on a really hot day. I don't think I've ever used that much deodorant on my feet before!

Day 6: The problem areas finally peeled off on this day! My feet were feeling fantastic! There was still some shedding to go, but 95% of it had gone. I wore socks and high tops to see if it would aid it with the shedding and when I took my shoes off at night, it was gone! There was very little left. Before going to bed, I put a moisturiser on my feet over night to give some more moisture back into them:

Day 7: The final day! The moisturiser over night helped. There was still some dry patches but most of my feet felt amazing. The dry patches were mainly on the top of my feet and a little on the sides. These completely disappeared on day 10

My overall thoughts on this product is ABSOLUTELY WORTH IT! 

Have you tried this before? Let me know your thoughts!

Love always,

Kim xx

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