Saturday 11 October 2014

Comparison: Which is better for...?

Sunburn. The joys of Summer. Every person, at some point in their life, will experience sunburn. I have today. The upside to being pale skinned and hanging laundry outside in the sun to dry while wearing a tank top and no sunblock!

No, I'm kidding. Sunburn is not fun. It stings, it feels tight, hot and itchy - eventually it peels. Or in the case of myself thanks to prior sun damage, it just gather white dots in the redness.

In 2008 on New Year's Eve, I went to the beach on a 46C (115F) degree day. Due to the weather being so hot, I decided to seek the comfort of the water instead for its cooling effect - not even thinking I had better put sunblock on. The result was third degree burns. It was horribly painful. I spent 3 weeks sitting on my couch, unable to move, unable to shower properly and unable to wear a shirt properly - I was living in a stationary position in a towel. After the first week, I started to notice bubbling in the skin. It looked like I was breaking out in a horrible skin disease. After a few days, the small bubbles started to cause bigger bubbles. Eventually I had a blister filled with fluid down the entire section of my upper arm - from should to elbow. The welt was sticking out from my skin due to a fluid build up. It was probably about 5cm in height - it was big and it was gross. Bare in mind that throughout this I was still stinging, I was burning and I was in excruciating pain.

After week 2, the blisters reached their limits and started to burst. It was the most disgusting feeling I have ever had in my entire life. There was no more burning or stinging and the heat from the burn was gone - I only had the blisters left. Imagine sitting on the couch, feeling comfortable at last, watching TV and relaxing - suddenly, your skins pop and liquid is running down you across your back, arms and face. It's pretty disgusting. Lesson learned - sunblock is your best friend!

So that back story brings us to how I have burned so easily. The first thing is, of course, I am pale. When I say pale, I mean if you turn off lights in a room, I will be glowing. Admittedly I achieve the glowing because I avoid the sun, but that's a whole entire different topic. Today while hanging washing, I didn't feel the need to put on sunblock. I wasn't going to be out there for a long time, so I didn't think it was necessary. The sunburn that I had in 2008 has left my skin severely damaged and susceptible to severe burning. Thinking that a 20 minutes session in the sun would have no effect, I decided to ignore it and go out without a sunblock on - hence the redness, burning and heat that is apparent on my showers and chest.

I gathered all of the moisturisers I own in my house, which is a lot, and I searched each one to see reviews against sunburn. Two of the products have stood out against the others as being perfect. Both of these moisturisers are highly praised in reviews and their ingredients are boasted about for being beneficial to treat sunburn as well an array of other ailments.

These two items are:

  LUSH Dream Cream
         &         MooGoo Udder Cream 
(my right, no tattoo)                          (my left, tattoo)

Over the next few weeks, I will post updates on how much sunburn is progressing with each of these products. I will be using one product on one side and the other, of course, on my other side. This will be able to give a fair comparison of which product is more effective.

I will be using both products morning and night. Photos will be taken before each application to see the progress since previously viewed - rather than an update a day, I will complete an update every few days with the progress of a few days together - after all, I don't want to bore you daily with it.

I'm about to go to sleep tonight, but I have completed an application tonight. So far from the first application, I can tell you that the MooGoo Udder Cream smells a lot more appealing that the LUSH Dream Cream does - even though both are completely AH-MAY-ZING.

The MooGoo Udder Cream has already absorbed into my skin - within 10 minutes! - and it's left it feeling a little bit dry. LUSH Dream Cream has left a layer of moisturisation on my skin which feels like it may be more hydrating for my skin. But we will see tomorrow!

Talk to you soon.

Love always,

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